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Bovine Toroviruses

Linda Saif Lab Publications: Bovine Toroviruses

Hoet, A.E. and L.J. Saif. 2004. Bovine torovirus (breda virus) revisited. Animal Health Res. Reviews 5:157-171.

Hoet, A.E., K.O. Chang, and L.J. Saif. 2003. Comparison of ELISA and RT-PCR versus immune electron microscopy for detection of bovine torovirus (Breda virus) in calf fecal specimens. J Vet Diagn Invest 15:100-6.

Hoet, A.E., P.R. Nielsen, M. Hasoksuz, C. Thomas, T.E. Wittum, and L.J. Saif. 2003. Detection of bovine torovirus and other enteric pathogens in feces from diarrhea cases in cattle. J Vet Diagn Invest 15:205-12.

Hoet, A.E., J. Smiley, C. Thomas, P.R. Nielsen, T.E. Wittum, and L.J. Saif. 2003. Association of enteric shedding of bovine torovirus (Breda virus) and other enteropathogens with diarrhea in veal calves. Am J Vet Res 64:485-90.

Hoet, A.E., K.O. Cho, K.O. Chang, S.C. Loerch, T.E. Wittum, and L.J. Saif. 2002. Enteric and nasal shedding of bovine torovirus (Breda virus) in feedlot cattle. Am J Vet Res 63:342-8.

Horzinek, M.C., T.H. Flewett, L.J. Saif, W.J. Spaan, M. Weiss, and G.N. Woode. 1987. A new family of vertebrate viruses: Toroviridae. Intervirology 27:17-24.

Woode, G.N., L.J. Saif, M. Quesada, N.J. Winand, J.F. Pohlenz, and N.K. Gourley. 1985. Comparative studies on three isolates of Breda virus of calves. Am J Vet Res 46:1003-10.